Cleaning your new 3D or 4D number plates
How to clean your 3D Gel number plates
With 3D gel resin number plates, you are best to treat them like a normal set of flat 2D plates. Clean them as normal with your sponge/wash mitt. If you are looking for that extra deep glossy shine, just like when they arrived in the post, then we highly recommend Mr Sheen!
That’s right - your common, cheap, household polish. We achieve great results polishing 3D number plates with this product and the plates come up absolutely beautiful. If you are wanting to take things that step further, and get them super shiny with the usual car cleaning/detailing products, then we would recommend Autoglym Super Resin Polish, topped off with Autoglym HD Wax. Autoglym also do a really good Mr Sheen alternative that can be used on car paint work, which can be used on your number plates for a quick shine. Keep your eyes open for Auto Gym Instant Show Shine. It’s a fabulous, quick product that creates an amazing shine.
How to clean your 4D or 4D with gel number plates
Cleaning your 4D laser cut acrylic number plates is a lot different to cleaning 3D gel number plates. We have found the best way to clean your 4D number plates for a flawless finish is to agitate an all purpose cleaner or some snow foam into the letters with a detailing brush. After this process, lightly rinse them with a hose pipe or a pressure washer at a distance. Pat the number plates dry with a plush/soft microfibre towel. An alternative method for drying the plates plates is to use a compressed air line or a MetroVac Blow Dryer. Our 4D / 4D gel resin plates will be fine to polish and wax, but we don't advise this as it will be very difficult to get all of the excess polish/wax off the plate. We find that spraying glass cleaner, or Mr Sheen onto a cloth and then gently wiping the plates down seems to be the best way to get them clean and shiny after the plate is dry.